Either way, there is a good chance that your doctor may not have fully informed you about Kegels, or even mentioned them. That’s a shame, and can lead to some real health issues.
Moms really need to know about Kegels, and how to do them correctly, if they want to prevent post-partum issue like urinary incontinence and decreased sexual sensation.
Unfortunately, in a study from the International Urogynecology Journal, 46% of pregnant women reported receiving no information about Kegels. Moms who do learn about Kegels from their doctors, usually through a handout or pamphlet, often do these exercises incorrectly.
Did You Know …?
A reported 50% of women cannot locate and engage the correct pelvic floor muscles to do a Kegel just by reading written instructions. So these women try do Kegels, but incorrectly, and the results are less than satisfactory. Then they think Kegels don’t work!
Kegels do work … if you work the right pelvic floor muscles. Since 30% of post-partum women have urinary incontinence, and Kegels are effective in relieving symptoms in 80% of urinary incontinence cases, this stuff is important! If you are a mom or a mother-to-be, then you need to know about Kegels.
Get the full scoop on moms and Kegels by clicking the link below.
New Moms and Kegels: Myths and Facts
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jaaronfarr/ / CC BY 2.0