Do Herbal Remedies Work for Urinary Incontinence?

With the array of herbal and botanical formulas on the market today for women’s urinary incontinence, there is a strong temptation to “go natural.”After all, what could be better than using products from nature to deal with women’s urinary incontinence?

There is certainly nothing wrong with using herbs and other natural products. The question is whether these products actually help with urine leakage symptoms, or simply are a waste of time and money.

The best way to discover the effectiveness of herbal products for improving urinary leakage issues to read scientific peer-reviewed studies of the products. Here are just a few products that have been reviewed by the scientific community, as opposed to simply tested by “in-house” teams employed by the companies that make the products.

A Review of 5 Natural Products for Women’s Urinary Incontinence
Some of the more common natural products that have been touted for improving urinary incontinence symptoms include pumpkin seeds, cornsilk, buchu, bromelain, and magnesium. Let’s see how these products act to improve women’s urinary incontinence.

#1: Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds have actually been under significant clinical investigation for treating urinary incontinence. Studies have shown that certain ingredients in pumpkin seeds, including essential fatty acids and compounds like “phytoesterol,” do support a woman’s bladder, especially after menopause. In fact, in one study 75% of postmenopausal women taking pumpkin seeds achieved better bladder control after six weeks.

#2: Cornsilk
Corksilks are the long silky fibers found at the top of an ear of corn. High in flavonoids and polyphenols, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties, cornsilk is believed to reduce inflammation in the bladder. As a result, some women experience a reduced urge to urinate, especially if their urine leakage is related to inflammation.

#3: Buchu
Many herbalists currently prescribe this South American herb for recurring urinary tract infections and overall bladder health. Many doctors point out that urine leakage issues are often related to bladder inflammation, or even mild infections. Even mild inflammation of the bladder can cause a continuous urge to urinate and prevent you from completely emptying your bladder. Since buchu has mild antiseptic properties, it is believed that this herb prevents inflammation.

#4: Bromelain
Bromelain comes from the pineapple plant, and is commonly known to be an anti-inflammatory. As with some of the other herbs mentioned in this article, bromelain is believed to have a healing effect on bladder inflammation.

#5: Magnesium
Athletes know that magnesium is essential to muscle health, and studies indicate that people with Parkinson’s disease find relief from urine leakage symptoms when taking this supplement. Doctors also recognize that magnesium may be useful in controlling bladder spasms, which can cause incomplete emptying of the bladder. In addition, some women find that taking magnesium before bedtime can relieve nighttime wetting issues.

If you suffer from women’s urine incontinence, exploring all your options are key to finding relief. This can include the natural remedies mentioned in this article, medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, and even surgery. The point is that not all solutions work for all women, but there is a solution out there for your urinary incontinence issues. Keep looking until you find a solution that works for you!

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