Can Stress at the Office be Causing Your Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Nope. Not really.As logical as it might seem that stress at work could lead tostress urinary incontinence, that’s not how it really works. Even so, one-fourth of women surveyed believed this myth to be true.Stress at work is one thing. With urinary incontinence, the word “stress” refers to a different kind of stress – basically any stress on the abdominal cavity.

For instance, you place stress on your abdominal area when you cough, sneeze, or lean down to pick up your toddler. In short, any increase in abdominal pressure equals stress, which causes you to leak urine.

What does all of this mean to you if you have stress urinary incontinence? It means that a bad day at the office won’t cause your symptoms to get worse. That’s pretty reassuring, since most of us are under a lot of stress these days!

Want to know more? Separate the facts from the myths about female urinary incontinence by clicking the links below. In these articles, we tell you what is factual and what is merely an “old wives tale.” You might be surprised by what you read!

Debunking Myths About Stress Urinary Incontinence
Debunking Yet More Funky Myths About Urinary Incontinence


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